U.S.: Our Vapour Products Story

Blue sky with scattered white clouds.
17 September 2024

CHAPTER 6 . THR: A global transformation

U.S.: Our Vapour Products Story
A Case Study: U.S.

A case study: U.S.A

Vapour Products first entered the U.S. market in 2007. Since their introduction they have evolved extensively and grown in popularity with adult prevalence rates at a high of 6.4% in 2023.[1]

Statue of Liberty against a colorful sunset sky.

The growth of the vapour category in the U.S. parallels an accelerated decline of combustible cigarette smoking. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Health Interview Survey, a U.S. nationally representative cross-sectional household interview survey, show that “current use” of combustible cigarettes by U.S. smokers (ages 18+) has declined from 18.1% in 2012 to 11% in 2023.[1] Conversely, “current use” of e-cigarettes by U.S. consumers (ages 18+) has grown from 1.9% in 2012 to 6.4% in 2023 (Figure 1).[1,2,3] In the 2019-2023 timeframe, the prevalence reduction of smoking and increase in Vapour Product use, respectively, appear linked. Applying a line of best fit would suggest that Vapour Products may be a key driver of the decline in adult smokers.

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