Our Historical Efforts to Reduce the Risks of Smoking

Cigarette in a scientific testing apparatus

CHAPTER 3 . Impact of Smoking

Our Historical Efforts to Reduce the Risks of Smoking

Dr Chris Proctor

Guest Author (Former BAT Chief Scientific Officer)

In the 1950s, tobacco product manufacturers began Research and Development (R&D) into the impact of tobacco use, following seminal research by Doll and Hill on lung cancer.[1]

BAT’s R&D facility opened in Southampton, UK in 1956. Initial research focused on trying to understand the issues surrounding smoking and health.

"In the late 2000s we developed a prototype cigarette for scientific assessment."


Dr Chris Proctor

Former BAT Chief Scientific Officer

When tobacco is combusted at around 950°C, it produces smoke comprising more than 7,500 compounds, of which around 150 are known toxicants.[4,5,6]

Over the decades, research expanded into novel technologies to reduce toxicants in cigarette smoke emissions.

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